2025 Year 7 students
Welcome to Rossmoyne
Year 7 Orientation – Upcoming Events
Family Orientation Day – Monday 3 February 10am – 2pm
Families of students enrolled in Year 7 are invited to explore the school grounds together on Monday 3 February 2025 between 10am and 2pm. Many families use this day to practice their travel-to-school routine. Please arrive during this time to receive a map and then wander the school at your own leisure. The school canteen will be open. Students do not need to wear school uniform on this day.
First day of high school – Wednesday 5 February
Orientation activities in Week 1 will set students up for success at high school, helping them adapt quickly to their new routine. On the first day of school, Year 7 students are to arrive at the Year 7 Area where they will meet in their Houses and be welcomed by staff. The school siren is at 8.50am. Students are required to wear Rossmoyne Senior High School uniform.
The first week of Year 7
On the first day of Year 7, students should bring basic stationery and healthy food. During Transition Week, students receive their timetables, SEQTA account log-in details, and other instructions about how to prepare for each of their classes. On Day 1 of school, families who are doing a car drop-off are asked to please use the Apsley Road carpark – this is the closest drop-off point to the Year 7 Area where students will begin their first day. Please do not drop your child to the school’s reception.
Year 7 Swimming Carnival – Friday 7 January
The Year 7 House Swimming Carnival is the first major event for Year 7s in 2025. The carnival will be held during the school day on Friday 7 February 2025 at the RSHS swimming pool. All students are strongly encouraged to attend for the full day as it is an excellent opportunity to practice the school’s iCARE values and build connections with other Year 7s.
This event is all about participation, so students will be involved and score points even if swimming is not their greatest strength. The day includes regular swimming events for both competitive and non-competitive swimmers, as well as novelty events like chook leader ball, boogie board races and water polo relays. Special events are held for non-competitive swimmers, where the use of flotation aids is encouraged – this is to ensure all students are able to have a go and be part of the carnival. Every student that participates in a race or novelty event earns points for themselves, and for their house.
If your child is a competitive swimmer, please encourage them to compete in the first two races for each event.
On the day, students should:
- Wear house colours and appropriate bathers
- Bring healthy food, snacks and water
- Pack sun protection including a hat and sunscreen
Students will have breaks at normal times to eat lunch and go to the cafeteria.
Parents are welcomed and encouraged to attend and spectate on the day. There will be a small seating area available for parents. Please enter school via front reception for sign in before making your way to the carnival. All guests must sign out on departure.
Year 7 Family BBQ – Friday 7 February 3.05pm – 4.30pm
We are excited to be hosting a Year 7 Family BBQ at the conclusion of the Year 7 House Swimming Carnival for Year 7 students and their families including parents and carers.
You will have the opportunity to meet with other Year 7 parents and some of our staff and enjoy a complimentary BBQ. Please check your inbox for RSVP details.
Prepare for Year 7 – what to buy, pack, organise and practice.
Packing your school bag
For the first day of Year 7, students should bring basic stationery and healthy food. On day two, Thursday 6 February please make sure students bring their device (laptop) charged and ready to use.
New uniforms are available to purchase from Uniform Concepts in Willetton and second-hand uniforms are available for purchase at Rossmoyne Senior High School on a Friday between 8.30am and 9.30am. More information about our uniform options and where to purchase can be found here.
Incoming Year 7 students wishing to purchase a new uniform are encouraged to make an appointment at Uniform Concepts for a fitting during Term 4 to avoid long queues in January.
Students will need to be responsible for packing and bringing their Sports Uniform for Physical Education and other Physical Recreation classes.
Students are required to wear predominantly black or white socks and shoes.
Second Hand Uniform Shop 2024-25 Opening Hours
Every Friday 8:30 am-9:30 am during the school terms.
Extending Trading Hours for the new school year, Term 1, 2025.
Week 1
Monday 3/2/25 8:30am-9:30am | Tuesday 4/2/25 8:30am-9:30am
Week 2
Thursday 13/2/25 8:30am-9:30am | Friday 14/2/25 8:30am – 9:30am
The second-hand uniform shop will resume regular trading from 8:30am-9:30am every Friday from Week 3 onwards.
Resources lists are available online. Please only purchase resources for the subjects that your child is enrolled in, as shown on your Contributions and Charges Statement (received late November by email).
Computers, notebooks or tablets for school use
Parents of new students are requested to provide a notebook computer or tablet for their child to use at school. Learn more about Rossmoyne’s one-to-one computer program.
Year 7 students have optional access to purple-coloured lockers. To start using a purple locker, students should find one that is empty and place their own lock on it, then log in to SEQTA and register their name to the locker number. Students will receive their SEQTA account log-in details during their first week of school and may register a locker at any time once they gain access to SEQTA. Unregistered locks will be removed.
Travel to school
Rossmoyne Senior High School can be accessed by bike, bus, on-foot or in a car. Students and families are encouraged to practice the route to school before the start of term – many families use the Family Orientation Day as a practice run. On Family Orientation Day bike racks are available for use by visiting families.
The school day
The Rossmoyne school day is divided in to five learning periods and two breaks. Each period students move independently between classrooms and are taught by different specialist teachers in each subject. Students can prepare for the flow of the school week by becoming familiar with the bell times for the school day.
Life skills for students
Practicing these skills will help students transition to the high school environment:
- Manners and respect (for themselves, for others and for property).
- Being able to look at someone and politely greet them.
- Catching public transport and using appropriate behaviours on the bus and train.
- Crossing roads.
- Appropriate personal hygiene habits and being able to manage any regular medications.
- Keeping organised, particularly taking note of due dates.
Tips for parents
Parents can help their children transition into high school by:
- Keeping a copy of their timetable and encouraging them to use it when packing their school bag.
- Labelling their belongings; uniform, laptop, stationary – everything!
- Ensuring they have the correct uniform.
- Listening out to pick up on the names of their teachers and friends.
- Attending school events such as orientation days, picnics, and the Arts performances.
- Setting up a designated area for study at home – it doesn’t have to be a desk, but it is best to have a quiet seated area that is kept as neat as possible.
- Taking care when driving around the school.
- Avoiding phoning or texting them directly during school hours.
Communicating with the school
New families are encouraged to become familiar with the school’s communication systems.
Arriving late or leaving early
Parents and guardians are legally required to account for any student absence by phone or written explanation. Students must check in to the Student Central office if they arrive late, or leave early.
Sick or otherwise absent
Parents and guardians are legally required to account for any student absence by phone or written explanation. Parents must notify the Student Central office if their child is off-sick or absent for any other reason.
Contacts for wellbeing support
If parents have concerns relating to their child’s pastoral care (including social and emotional wellbeing, any family situation, learning difficulty or mental health) they are encouraged to contact their child’s Year Leader.
Contacts for in-class support
If parents have concerns relating to curriculum (including queries about classes, curriculum, homework etc.) they are encouraged to contact the relevant classroom teacher using contact details found on the student timetable. The student timetable is available through SEQTA. Parents will receive their log-in details for SEQTA during the first week of Term 1. If necessary, these queries will be referred to the relevant Head of Learning Area.
Stay informed
SEQTA is an online portal used for direct teacher-student-parent communication. Student timetables, parent communication with teaching staff, assessments and reports are all located online on SEQTA. Parents will receive their log-in details for SEQTA during the first week of Term 1 by email.
Event invitations and information about key school our year group events are emailed directly to families. Please keep an eye on your email inbox, and notify the school if you have any issues receiving, reading or understanding emailed information.
School news
Event invitations and information about key school our year group events are emailed directly to families. The school also publishes regular updates throughout each term on the school’s website: view recent updates here.
At the end of each term, the school publishes The Rossmoyne Quarterly magazine, an online celebration of student achievement and aspiration. The Rossmoyne Quarterly is emailed to parents and is also available to read online here.
Parents are encouraged to stay connected with the school’s public news via Facebook.
The Student Council also run a student news channel on Instagram, students aged 13+ are encouraged to stay connected by following this account.
Parent Information Evening
The Year 7 2025 Parent Information Evening was held on Wednesday 6 November 2024. The evening focused on the Year 7 curriculum and major differences between primary and secondary schooling. Parents and guardians were introduced to our Principal, Associate Principal, Program Co-ordinator, Year 7 Leader, Chair of School Board and P&C President. Details were also provided about school expectations (such as uniform, attendance, behaviour etc) and the BYOD (bring your own device).
Couldn’t make the parent information evening? Information presented on the evening can be found here.
Student Orientation Day
Orientation Day was held on Monday 2 December for all enrolled students. Students had their first look at the school grounds and meet their peers and teachers during a fun-filled day.
If you currently live in our local boundary and do not attend one of our local primary schools and would like to enrol at Rossmoyne for Year 7 2025, please visit our Front Reception between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday to collect an enrolment pack.
Should you have any queries please contact our Enrolment Officer, Elaine van Baardewijk on email elaine.vanbaardewijk@education.wa.edu.au