A place to meet, collaborate, and learn
The Library is a brand new space opened in October 2024. It is a place for all students to meet, collaborate, learn, read, research, study and flourish. It has a beautiful leafy outlet and is a very welcoming space.
The Hub’s friendly, safe and inclusive environment supports the teaching and learning programs of the whole school, offering flexible learning spaces, classroom facilities, private study areas, quiet reading zones and inspiring collaboration areas.
This space and its different zones are designed to enhance the critical thinking, communication, literacy and research skills of our students.
Open hours
The Library is open on school days from 8.00am to 4.00pm.
Library services
The Library’s wide range of physical and electronic resources support student learning and staff teaching.
Books and databases
On the Library’s shelves, students will find an extensive fiction collection and a current range of non-fiction books. Students can also access several online databases including EBSCO, ClickView and Britannica Online – all of which are linked to the Australian Curriculum.
Students may borrow the libraries books and other resources using their SmartRider card.
Reading program
The enjoyment of reading as a lifelong habit is a major focus for Library staff. The Library delivers a dedicated reading program for Year 7 students, and Year 8 students attend the Library regularly for reading sessions during their English classes. Library staff provide a comprehensive orientation program for all Year 7s in Term 1, and facilitate and supervise the learning experiences of our private study students
The Library’s paid-printing service can be accessed by students using their SmartRider card. Students need to create a ‘PaperCut’ student printing account, and add cash to it to pay for printing.
Games and leisure activities
Students are welcome to visit the hub at break times and can enjoy playing with the stock of games on their own or with peers.
Transperth SmartRiders
Transperth student SmartRider cards are issued to all new students by the Hub. This student ID card is also used to borrow library resources. Lost cards are replaced at a fee of $5, usually within ten working days. We accept card and cash payments.
Library staff
The Library is managed by a ‘Teacher-in-charge’ – an experienced English teacher who maintains strong links between the English learning area and the Library facility. The ‘Teacher-in-charge’ ensures the delivery of student-focused learning activities and assists students and staff to integrate information and communication technologies into their teaching and learning program.
Rossmoyne’s Library Officers work within the Hub to support the Teacher-in-charge and create an engaging learning space that is safe and friendly for all students – helping them to feel connected and cared for. The school’s Library Officers work hard to understand the interests and needs of students who frequent the Library and are highly influential in guiding them throughout their high school experience.